21st & 22nd
September 2024
SSRG will be exhibiting on the 21st and 22nd of September 2024 at the Currency Group Conference which will be held at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8DY. Tickets are can be booked here.
We will be launching the printed Scotland in Europe report. The cover price is just £3.00 per copy and the 24 page colour report details Scotland's trading options with Europe. An electronic version will be added to the SSRG website before the end of 2024. We will also be hosting a fringe even during the Conference covering both the report and on the subject of Borders and how they would with the EU. All money raised is used to further the publication of the policy documents published by SSRG.
16th, 17th & 18th of May 2025
SSRG is planning a 3 day conference in Dunfermline on the 16th-18th of May 2025.
We are currently in discussions with a number of interested parties and the agenda is currently being finalised.
There will be 5 key subjects with speakers from business, academia and international organisations. Full details will be announced shortly. A SSRG Conference website will be live for tickets.
The SSRG 5 key subjects are: 1. Energy Sector, 2. Borders, 3. Social Security & Pensions, 4. The Scottish Currency & Central Bank & 5. European Trade.
A number of organisations will be holding fringe events during the conference and hosting additional subjects. Early bird tickets for the 3 day event will be £25 pp or a day ticket will be £10 for early bird bookings after the Early bird the prices will be £30 and £12 respectively. A webinar live ticket will also be available with interactive Q&A and there will be a delegate survey. (details TBC)